Hak’s Story
Hak is originally from Battambong province which is about 180km from Siem Reap towards the Thai border. The eldest of 4 brothers, Hak left home in his late teens to head to Siem Reap in search of work and education. He studied at Hotel School and got a job working in a small guesthouse doing a little bit of everything. During this time, Hak worked and studied hard, he improved his English and saved enough money to buy a car. With the car, he started to do tours around Angkor Wat, Siem Reap and more. He saved as much as he could and was able to open a guesthouse called Hak’s House in 2010. Now, Hak is the owner of Hak Boutique and together with his family, he works tirelessly to ensure that you have a great stay. Hak Boutique Hotel and Resort is a family operated business and really wants you to feel at home during your stay. We want our hotel to be your home away from home!
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